NtaCCUL's 36th AGM: Members applaud new Innovations, Yearn to celebrate Golden Jubilee in 2023

Cooperators of NtaCCUL jubilated at some approved free minimum services decided by the board of directors of the union, for a better financial inclusion of members and congratulated management for the core banking software that has been customized and the online App launched in 2022.

Members of NtaCCUL believe that achievements and the success of the union should be celebrated. Observing that NtaCCUL is 50 years old in 2022 since 1972, a perfect opportunity to celebrate the recorded growth of the union. 
Talking about inovations and growth, digital products have been introduced in all branches on order to make NtaCCUL a one-stop shop for members' financial services. The digital products that include; Automatic Teller Machine and Pre-pais Visa Cards, Western Union, World Remit, RIA, MTN Momo and Orange Money.

Fru Isaac Taku President of NtaCCUL has confirmed that it is possible for members to easily access their account by downloading the App from playstore.

"Members from NtaCCUL can save, withdraw from their accounts, consult their account balance and history from the App. It is important for members to contact account managers of their different branches to download and install the online App in their smart phones", President NtaCCUL.

Free minimum services approved by the board of directors NtaCCUL are;
- passbook to members
- Bank attestation
- Account opening
- Saving withdrawal
- Deposits
- Salary Transfer
- Cheque booklets
- SMS to members

In addition to these benefits, prior notification for savings withdrawals has being cancelled, a reduction in Contract loans from 2% to 1.5% and for loans from 100 million that meet certain special and rigorous requirement from 1.5% to 1%.

Members' savings experienced a growth rate of 21% while deposits had a growth rate of 26.49% between 2021 and 2022. For 2023 the President of NtaCCUL has decided that the union scrapes out savings withdrawal charges and no notification withdrawal irrespective of the amount. 

The President of NtaCCUL explained that loan delinquency experienced an increase from 22% in 2021 to 24% in 2022 as a result of increase in the cost of living and buisness failure, given the situation the crisis plunged the region into coupled with the rising inflation. But however pleaded with members to pay their loans promptly.

"The loan recovery committee and loan recovery task force has been present on the field, and present in all branches. We continue to plead with our members to be punctual in the repayement of loans in order to avoid embarassements from eventual forceful recovery measures", President NtaCCUL


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