Fighting GBV, Domestic Violence: Women in Nyambore learn about the law protecting survivors

Women in Nyambore, a quarter in Mendankwe -Northwest region of Cameroon have expressed satisfaction after learning from experts brought to their community by REWAC, who revealed there are laws that punish perpetrators of GBV and domestic violence, while protecting survivors. 

A project funded by Open Society Initiative for West Africa - OSIWA, implemented by Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon - REWAC set out to work with a focal person in Nyambore, Dell Henry the quaterhead of that community to register and intervene/respond to cases of GBV and domestic violence. 

Angu Maurine is a legal expert, an ambassador in the fight against GBV and domestic violence in the Northwest region. She was a facilitator in Nyambore, during REWAC's visit and spoke at length with women and girls recommending the need to "Speak up" as one of the major ways in fighting GBV and domestic violence. 

"Learn to speak out. The slightest unwanted touch can be taken as an act of GBV, especially if it is ill intent. Women should do well to check on their children everyday before they go to bed, have conversations with them to keep track of what happened in their abscence", Angu Maurine speeking in Nyambore, Mendankwe. 

Gender Based Violence exist in many homes, while domestic violence is common in several homes. Most victims remain resistant to speak up either because they face threats. Yet, GBV experts on a daily basis make a clarion call denouncing acts of GBV and domestic violence, calling on survivors to speak up in order to have perpetrators of the act punished. 


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