CPDM Party Militants Celebrate Biya's 38th Anniversary In Bamenda, Ahead of Regional Elections.

CPDM Party Bigwigs motivate 
Dance Groups

The 38th Anniversary celebration of the New Deal, holds at a time when the Head of State, President Paul Biya has committed himself to implement the decentralization process, as he convened electorates for Regional elections on December 6th 2020.

Minister Mbayu Felix, Minister Delegate to the Ministry of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Commonwealth explained the benefits of the special status inline with local governance.

Minister Mbayu Felix

"The special status introduces 5 key local aspects of local governance that rebuilds the linguistic specificity and historical heritage of the Northwest and Southwest regions. The special status Instititutes a new bi-camaral regional assembly made up of house of chiefs composed of 20 traditional leaders and a house of regional representatives composed of 70 members" Mbayu Felix, Minister Delegate to the Ministry of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Commonwealth

"It is important to recall that the House of Chiefs will be reminiscence of what existed in the federated state of west Cameroon and will play the role the did then in expressing a cultural, historical and ethnic point of view on public policy. Decision making will be more democratic." Mbayu Felix added.

President Paul Biya's ascention to power 38 years ago on November 6th was celebrated at Ayaba Hotel, Bamenda by Party Militants and Elites of the Northwest region, having mild celebrations while paying respect to the souls of kids lost on October 24th in Kumba, in their quest for education.

Senator Regina Mundi

Senator Regina Mundi prayed for good leadership qualities and implored that the Head of State, Paul Biya be drawn into a strong relationship with God, for more wisdom on how to handle critical issues that considered the State and his people, a cry of Peace which is most needed in Cameroon.

38years after the President got acess to the supreme Magistracy of Cameroon, according to Matoya Cletus, host section President for CPDM Mezam 1B, the country has been moving on the development orbit.

Matoya Cletus, section President for CPDM Mezam 1B

"Insecurity measures, curbing the activities of motorbike riders and Bamenda-Clean brought positive results", was a great move according to Matoya Cletus who went further to salute the efforts of the Governor of the Northwest region, Adolphe Lele LAfrique and his Etat Major for these measures taken to bring peace and calm to the region.

The steam for Back to school resumption and the reboom of economic activities wasn't left out, while thanking the population of Bamenda for their tenacity and confidence bestowed on administration for protection of lives and property.

To other speakers who took the stage on celebration day, Honorable Nji Fidelis, Nwana Bernard, Mbigha Felix who chanted songs of victory despite the different tribulations the country was going through, saw the 38th anniversary celebration as 38years of success and experience.

CPDM circular general and Chargé de mission Nwana Bernard, explained the thin line between Decentralization and local Development, while reiterating that both required concrete and indispensable transformation of the region.

The rulling party, CPDM has won 34 councils out of 35 councils in the Northwest region, and the coming of the decentralization process will now resolve issues between the local population and the administration.

Philemon Yang, Grand Chancellor of National Orders

Yang Philemon leading the Delegation of Ministers, Elites of the Northwest region for the 38th Anniversary celebrations says, the approach of the President committed in the decentralization process, after leading for more than 20years, "is not a political divide, rather the 38th anniversary of the new deal is calling on militants to make a strong committement and rally behind the Head of State for a better Future".

"Our future is ahead of us and as we celebrate good things, we need to be working so that we can build our future, no other person will do it in our place". Yang Philemon

"This year is a year of success and experience inspire of the environment challenges, this is another reason to celebrate, with the regional council which will soon be put in place." He added.

To Yang, President Paul Biya is a man of Peace and the Country still remains peaceful despite the difficulties it faces.

"The policy of this Country goes for Peace and the Country is going to gradually find solutions to that. This is not the first time in the world when there are troubles in a country, and it shouldn't be like we have come to an end. The State will find solutions and we will get back to the complete Peace we have known in the past" Yang Philemon added.

Cross section of Ministers, Elites from the Northwest Region

The celebration on November 6th was coloured with several dance groups and the prescence of other die-heart militants who came to demonstrate their unflinching support to the Head of State, President Paul Biya on whom they continue to hope, Cameroon will be a better place in the years ahead, given the Regional Elections at hand.

By Ndefru Melanie 


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